Camera Admin

2 min. readlast update: 05.30.2024


To enhance privacy and security, the concept of 'Camera Admin' is introduced in the new ATLI Cam+ app.  After you purchase an atli camera, the first person who sets it up, connects to the camera's Wi-Fi, and registers it will become the camera admin.


Once you're the camera admin, and you want to give your team access to it, you can use the 'Share My Camera' feature to share camera access.

Rights of Camera Admin 

  • Access to the camera QR code
  • Assign camera name 
  • Create a group via ‘Share My Camera‘ and invite other users to manage the camera together 

How to change Camera Admin?

When someone scans the camera QR code and successfully connects to it, the admin will switch to that person. 
If you lose the admin, the camera will vanish from your camera list.

If I set up a sharing group for the camera, but then I lost the camera admin, will that cause any issues for the members in my group?

It depends. If there's only one camera in the group, then the whole group will vanish from their camera lists.

If there are multiple cameras in the group, the one camera that you lost admin access to will disappear from the group, while the other ones will continue to work just fine.


Can I yield the camera admin to someone else in the group?

 Unfortunately, the feature isn't available yet. If the group admin loses the camera, the rest of the group members will also lose access to it.








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