How to check and download photos and videos?

2 min. readlast update: 09.22.2023

 There are two different types of albums in the Album: Local and Camera.  


The Camera album refers to the storage on the microSD card. All videos and photos captured will automatically be saved in the camera album once you’re done shooting. But it is accessible only when the camera is connected to the app. 

 The Local album refers to the collection of videos and photos downloaded on your mobile device. Contents in the local album are accessible on the app at any time without having your camera connected to the app.

Playing video

Open Camera album > Tap the video you want to display > The video starts playing automatically.  

Tap on the pause button at the bottom to pause the video. Tap on the play button at the bottom to play the video. 

Tap on the share button at the bottom to share the video. The video will first be downloaded to the phone and then a pop-up screen asking to select the sharing method/channel. 


Managing Footages

 Open Camera album > Tap [Select] at the top right corner to select the footage   

 Tap on the download button at the bottom to download the footage selected, and tap on the delete button at the bottom to delete the footage. 

This method is not recommended for managing footage with a large memory size due to the limited Wi-Fi bandwidth. It is recommended to read the data directly from the microSD card (a SD Card reader is required) via a computer.  

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