How to set a schedule?

2 min. readlast update: 06.13.2024

The Schedule feature enables you to program precise start and stop times for your camera, automating your timelapse shooting seamlessly.

Step 1. Tap on ... in the upper left corner.

Step 2. Go to Schedule.

Step 3. Configure schedule settings(Learn more in Schedule Configuration).

Step 4. Shooting starts.

Note: After the schedule is saved, if the current time falls within the scheduled session, the camera will start shooting and the hourglass icon will turn RED.

If the current time is outside the scheduled session, the hourglass icon will turn YELLOW, and the next start time will be displayed on the screen.



  • The schedule will end automatically upon reaching the designated end time.   
  • To end the schedule before the end time, log in to the camera and terminate the schedule manually by tapping on the hourglass.
  • It’s possible to configure up to 6 timeslots.  



Q: How to program an overnight session, eg, from 10:00 pm to 6am?

A: If you want to schedule an overnight session in daily or weekly mode, setting the time range from, for example, 10 PM to 6 AM, you will receive an error notification. In this case, you will need to divide the session into two timeslots: 10 PM to 12 AM and 12:01 AM to 6 AM, to successfully schedule the session.


Q: Can I pause and change the settings during a scheduled session?

A: No, changing settings on the fly is not supported in the Schedule. You will need to cancel the existing schedule and create a new one with the desired changes.


Q: Can I set different intervals for different time slots?

A: Yes, you can customize the interval settings for each time slot according to your preferences. 


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