Prolonged Time Lapse Shooting Tips

2 min. readlast update: 08.15.2023

If you're planning on doing a long recording session, here are some helpful tips to ensure it's a success.

Connect to an external power source 

Connect to a power adapter depending on your project duration, it is highly recommended to shoot a long time-lapse with a stable external power source, preferably a permanent power source. Thus, you won’t need to turn on the Power Saving and the camera can stay connected with your device(s) running the ATLI Cam App. 

Connect to a large capacity power bank and set the Power Saving to [ON] which enables the camera to go into Power Saving even with external power connected to maximize its shooting duration.


Calculate shooting duration and interval

For Time Lapse VIDEO only, each time lapse frame is about 50KB (average) and 16GB can store 16GB/50KB/frame = 320,000 frames. For continuous shooting with an interval of 1 second per frame, the maximum shooting duration is 

320,000 / (60x60) frames/hr = approx. 88 hrs.

Without using a larger capacity SD card, you can increase the shooting duration by increasing the shooting interval. 

For Video + Photo Sequence, memory consumption is going to increase significantly. Each photo is estimated to consume 1MB and each video frame consumes 50KB. The maximum shooting duration for a 16GB SD card will be 16GB / (1MB + 0.05MB) / (60 x 60) = approx. 4 hrs

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